Panels and Pictures

Framed Pictures

Wave and Sun

Mounted and Framed in simple white frame.  (c.24x35cm in frame 43x53cm)£110.00 +p&p

Bay at evening

Mounted and framed in simple white frame.  (24x35 cm - in frame 43x5s cm) £110.00 +p&p


Professionally framed picture with removable back so it can be hung in front of light or a window. (56x56cm £500.00 +p&p)

Spring Leaves

Professionally framed panel. (c.45 x 45cm Framed - £150.00 +p&p)

Autumn Leaves

Professionally Framed panel (c.45 x 45cm framed £150.00 +p&p)

Free Standing Glass Panels and Sculptures

Themes of landscapes and Foliage